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Reduce the size of your fat genes, and jeans
Posted on Sun, 3 Oct 10

Reduce the size of your fat genes, and jeans

Have you been blaming your waist line on your genes? While genetics may play a role in the development of obesity even those with the strongest genetic tendency can dramatically reduce their risk.

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A fruitful way to lose weight
Posted on Wed, 12 May 10

A fruitful way to lose weight

An apple, or three, a day may be a safe, cheap way to lose excess weight. A number of studies suggest that enjoying an apple before a meal will help you feel more satisfied and eat less without even thinking about it.

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Wet your lips, shrink your hips
Posted on Wed, 12 May 10

Wet your lips, shrink your hips

Beyond simply being a healthy alternative to sugar sweetened drinks water might improve your metabolism and help control your appetite. In any case, it seems drinking more water is a simple way to promote weight loss.

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Green tea helps with weight loss
Posted on Sun, 4 Apr 10

Green tea helps with weight loss

Tea is second only to water as the most widely consumed beverage in the world. Green tea contains naturally occurring phytochemicals, which along with caffeine can increase fat metabolism and result in weight loss.

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Mindless eating may explain your waistline
Posted on Mon, 1 Feb 10

Mindless eating may explain your waistline

We have been supersized. Supermarket large sizes increased 10-fold between 1970 and 2000, in restaurants large portions are 250% larger than regular portions and the size of our plates, bowls and glasses have increased over the years. In fact the average dinner plate has increased by 36% since 1960. Making simple changes to your eating environment is an easy way to reduce portion sizes and your waistline, mindlessly.

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Natural weight loss elixir
Posted on Thu, 9 Jul 09

Natural weight loss elixir

Sticking to water, and drinking it regularly, can promote weight loss and prevent weight gain. The benefits of drinking water may be due to its ability to increase fat metabolism [1] but is more likely due to the fact that water contains no calories. While sources of dietary sugars are generally considered more obvious items such as chocolate, candy, cake, ice cream and sweets the largest single source of added sugars in our diet is by far sweetened drinks which account for 47% of total added sugars [2].

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