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Probiotic shows promise for obesity and diabetes
Posted on Fri, 15 Aug 14

Probiotic shows promise for obesity and diabetes

Probiotics might be able to help improve your blood sugar and body weight, according to a new study showing that the probiotic yeast Saccharomyces boulardii reversed diabetes and obesity by improving gastrointestinal health and reducing inflammation.

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Irritable bowel syndrome caused by bacteria
Posted on Wed, 25 Jun 14

Irritable bowel syndrome caused by bacteria

A remarkable study has found that transferring the gut bacteria from people with irritable bowel syndrome to a healthy digestive system can cause pain and sensitivity, suggesting that bad gut bacteria alone could cause digestive problems.

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Kimchi: probiotic, phytonutrient-rich super food
Posted on Fri, 14 Mar 14

Kimchi: probiotic, phytonutrient-rich super food

A new scientific publication explores the evidence for some remarkable health effects of Kimchi (Korean fermented vegetables) including anti-cancer, anti-obesity, and heart protective effects.

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Probiotics for the common cold
Posted on Mon, 23 Jan 12

Probiotics for the common cold

Looking for a way to stave off colds this winter? An analysis of 10 studies involving 3451 participants has found that probiotics may be a good way to reduce your risk of upper respiratory tract infections.

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Probiotics for irritable bowel syndrome
Posted on Mon, 30 May 11

Probiotics for irritable bowel syndrome

Probiotics are widely claimed to help relieve irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and while some do, others may not work at all and some may even make things worse. Not all probiotics are the same and it pays to know the difference.

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Infectobesity: don't catch it
Posted on Fri, 24 Jul 09

Infectobesity: don't catch it

Infectobesity sounds like an unlikely cause of weight gain but increasing evidence suggests that infectious organisms such as viruses and bacteria may contribute to the development of overweight and obesity [1]. Person-to-person contact has been linked to the spread of obesity through social networks [2] and a candidate infectious organism may be closer to you than you think.

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