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Diet for cancer prevention and care
Posted on Mon, 22 Mar 10

Diet for cancer prevention and care

Although the link between smoking and cancer is well known, many people are not aware that other lifestyle factors are equally significant determinants of cancer risk (1). Cancer development has little to do with genetics and is determined by environment and lifestyle factors that can be changed to dramatically reduce risk and even delay disease progression (2). At the cornerstone of cancer prevention and care is diet.

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Would you like to live healthier and longer?
Posted on Mon, 5 Oct 09

Would you like to live healthier and longer?

We are all aging. In western culture this reality is often ignored or associated with the negative stereotype of declining mental and physical function however the reality is aging can be embraced and accompanied by excellent health. While there is no magic elixir for longevity it is possible to extend life and delay illness with a healthy lifestyle. An important element of a health promoting lifestyle is a healthy diet, and a diet that is emerging as a path to optimal health throughout our lifespan is the Mediterranean diet. People who follow a traditional Mediterranean style dietary pattern not only live longer, but enjoy much healthier lives well into old age.

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